College Prep High School Offering Mount San Jacinto College Courses

Qualifying 10th graders will have the opportunity to take their first college class taught by Mt. San Jacinto College professors right here at the CPHS campus.

We will be offering Guidance 100 Monday and Friday mornings. Juniors and Seniors will have the opportunity to take History 111 on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Sociology 101 will be available on campus Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. These are exclusive courses for CPHS students meeting the entrance requirements for college coursework.

College Prep High School students can gain high school and college credit

College Prep high School is partnering with Mt. San Jacinto College to give students the opportunity to receive both high school and college credit in a “dual enrollment” format. Taught by college professors, students at CPHS gain exposure to the expectation of college while fulfilling their high school graduation requirements. Students taking dual enrollment courses will also receive credit towards college.

College Prep High School is sponsored by the Hemet Unified School District and serves grades 9-12. Offering rigorous academic coursework and putting an emphasis on “project-based” learning, CPHS is preparing its student for college. This is a great opportunity to build both your high school and college transcripts.

Please inquire at the office for enrollment items. Families interested in learning more about CPHS have an opportunity to attend informational meetings as well as turn in applications during the open enrollment period (March-May). After the open enrollment period ends, student can apply on a space available basis. In the event that space is limited, CPHS will conduct a lottery to determine student acceptance and enrollment. Those interested can also download and print application forms.